Push Your Luck Game

Game Instructions

Spin the wheel to reveal a number, then guess if the next spin will be HIGHER or LOWER than that number. Once you've guessed, the wheel will spin again, and the number it lands on will determine whether you guessed correctly. If you guessed correctly, you'll get more points. Keep guessing correctly to stay in the round. However, if you guess incorrectly even once, you'll lose all of those points!

To protect your points from being taken away, you'll need to BANK your points. Banking your points will add those points to your score permanently, but you'll have to sit out the rest of the round. Once all eight players BANK or BUST, a new round will begin.

You also get one FREE SPIN each game. Use it before any spin, and you'll stay in the game for one spin without any risk of making a wrong guess. Use it wisely!

Once any player has banked 100 or more points, that round will become the game's final round. However, all players still in the round will continue playing until they have all hit BANK or BUST. After that, the player with the highest score wins!

At the end of the game, you will see your current rating, which tracks your performance across all the games you've played. After each game, you will gain or lose points based on your current rating and finish position. The higher you finish, the more rating points you'll gain! Keep winning to rank up from bronze all the way to diamond.

Confused? Press the ? button at the top right of the screen or the RULES button to see more information and bonus tips for increasing your odds.

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